Welcome to the #viNGN_FreeWiFi Network!

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This viNGN Wi-Fi network access is provided “as is” and free of charge to the general public. Find more viNGN free hotspotsdisaster preparedness tips, or a local Internet Service Provider partner of viNGN on our website.

viNGN logoUSVI Public Service Links:

  • InformUSVI – Official USVI updates
  • USVIUpdate – Travel updates for residents and visitors
  • VITEMA – USVI Emergency Management Agency
  • VI WAPA – VI Water & Power Authority updates

Note that this network is shared by many others and shall not be used for any commercial purpose. It is not recommended to use this open network to conduct business or financial affairs.

To contact viNGN please email: info@viNGN.com 

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Get official information from the Office of the Governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands




Visit the Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority website and get WAPA Alerts

Virgin Islands Next Generation Network, Inc.